Sunday, May 30, 2010


Well.i'm back frm Rompin!!
I Guess most of my frens dont know where is it,haha
Hmm...its near Mersing but further a bit.
Again,i was forced by my family to go for a short trip!
''Explore to the nature'', this is what i can describe!

We bring our DINO along,cz she's too boring at home...
She need some outdoor activity otherwise she would get depression!!
This trip was ok because of my cute dog.

The most remarkable thing was the waterfall at ''Taman Negeri Endau/Rompin''
We forced our dog to swim with us.... toooo cute!!!!! oh gosh!!
Luckily not a lot of Malays, yet still have :(

At the waterfall,
there's one little malay gal asked her mum whether she can touch my DINO or not,
I thought her mum will say NO!
But surprisingly her mum said ''OK because its wet now so never mind''
I was like huh?? why ah....Ahh... just heck care la...
The little malay girl loves our DINO!!
Maybe shall upload some of my DINO's photos..keke
